Anthony Lyamunda, Tanzania

Category Resistance – 2022
Anthony Lyamunda has been resisting the planned uranium mining and opening of uranium mines in his country for many years. “The Nuclear Free Future Award is intended to draw the attention of the world public to this problem,” the jury said in its statement.
Anthony Lyamunda has been resisting the planned uranium mining and opening of uranium mines in his country for many years. He writes and agitates on this issue knowing that Africa has endured a long history of plunder by colonialists for various minerals and continues to endure it today. From Niger, for example, mining companies have so far exported 154,000 tons of uranium, equivalent to a world market price of $34 billion. Niger is thus the seventh largest uranium producer of all time, and yet it is one of the three poorest countries in the world and has received nothing from uranium mining other than the radioactive contamination of its land.
Anthony Lyamunda is fighting to ensure that Tanzania does not suffer the same fate. “The Nuclear Free Future Award is intended to draw the attention of the world public to this problem,” the jury said in its statement.