Cécile Lecomte, France

Honor Award (Special Recognition) – 2022
With her spectacular rappelling actions, especially against nuclear transports, including uranium transports from Gronau to Russia and France, Cecile Lecomte has repeatedly managed to draw the public’s attention to the little-known business of the uranium enrichment company Urenco in Gronau. She also attracts a lot of attention in the fight against the further use of nuclear energy in Germany with actions against the Lingen fuel element factory – also known as “squirrels” due to her extraordinary climbing skills. This also includes raising public awareness of the manifold international interconnections resulting from uranium enrichment in Gronau and fuel element production in Lingen.
Due to her French origin, Cécile Lecomte is in a special position to organize cross-border cooperation and thus also to inform about French nuclear projects in Germany. She also processes information about nuclear projects and anti-nuclear protests as a journalist for various media and her own blog. In earlier years, she was also instrumental in the fight against the Castor transports to Gorleben. “Without Cécile Lecomte’s commitment, the anti-nuclear movement in Germany would be much weaker and the international dimension of uranium reprocessing would be much less known in Germany,” judges the NFFF jury “her work is all the more remarkable because she has been seriously ill for years and is dependent on a wheelchair. Her commitment to a nuclear weapons-free world is exemplary in various ways.”