Helen Clark, New Sealand

Category Solution – 2002

In 1999 Helen Clark was elected Prime Minister of New Zealand. Since then, her government has been strongly committed to alliances with other nuclear-free states to create a nuclear-weapon-free world. “Together with many people, organisations and countries, we want to create a world where peoples live together on the basis of trust and mutual respect.”

Corbin Harney, USA

Category Solution – 2003

Corbin Harney, now a medicine man of the Western Shoshone and one of the great Indian teachers and leaders, was still a small boy when he realized something: Your roots are important! In 1994 he founded the Shundahai Network, an organization that wants to make the voice of the indigenous people audible – for example, against the 1000 or so atomic bombs that exploded on their land for testing purposes.

Jonathan Schell, USA

Category Solution – 2004

Worldmovers were often people who thought the unthinkable – and then did not leave it at that. The New York journalist Jonathan Schell has been writing since the late 1960s against war and nuclear armament and consistently calls for “abolition”. Abolition of all nuclear weapons, worldwide! The USA, as the place with the greatest potential for destruction, must make a start, says Schell.

Preben Maegaard, Denmark

Category Solution – 2005

Preben Maegaard set out on the path of renewable energies back in the 1970s. In 1983 he founded the Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energies, a non-profit institute for research and testing of renewable energy sources. Denmark is predestined for windmills thanks to its steady wind. Since 1992, 100% of the electricity consumption in Maegaard’s home region has been covered by renewables.

Heike Hoedt and Wolfgang Scheffler, Germany

Category Solution – 2006

The physicist Wolfgang Scheffler developed the ‘flexible, shape-variable parabolic mirror with a fixed focal point’, in short: the Scheffler mirror, a simple yet sophisticated method of cooking, frying and baking highly efficiently with sunlight. Today, almost a thousand systems are installed in 21 countries. His partner Heike Hoedt is responsible for the global transfer of knowledge.

Tadatoshi Akiba / Mayors for Peace, Hiroshima, Japan

Category Solution – 2007

Mayors for Peace was founded in 1982 on the initiative of the then Mayor of Hiroshima, Takeshi Araki. Since then, the city organization has been fighting against nuclear weapons with appeals, declarations, signature lists, pictures, exhibitions and scientific analyses, showing the nuclear powers that even the threat of the bomb is a crime.

Bruno Barrilot, France

Category Solution – 2010

50 years after the first nuclear weapons test of the then “Grande Nation”, it is thanks to the persistent educational work of Bruno Barrilot and the Documentation and Research Centre on Peace and Conflict CDRPC, which he co-founded in 1989, that the government in Paris passed a law in 2010 to compensate the victims of nuclear tests. Barrilot has been active in Polynesia since 2005.

Hans Grassmann, Germany

Category Solution – 2011

Hans Grassmann examined the social, cultural and ecological benefits of physics with his books: “Das Top Quark, Picasso und Mercedes Benz” (1997), “Alles Quark. Ein Physikbuch” (1999), most recently “Ahnung von der Materie. Physik für alle” (2008). At the University of Udine, he and his students developed a mirror system for heat generation: the linear mirror.

Yves Marignac, France

Category Solution – 2012

The reports and opinions of Yves Marignac are also taken seriously in France by the nuclear regulatory authority and the Institute for Radiation Protection and Reactor Safety. For example a report on the nuclear power plant stress test to Fukushima. Shortly before this, the scenario “Manifest néga Watt” had already been published: France could be nuclear-free by 2050, writes co-author Yves Marignac.

Joseph Laissin Mailong, Cameroon

Category Solution – 2014

Joseph Laissin Mailong is Cameroon’s Mr Windpower. He has installed various small wind turbines in south- and northwestern Cameroon to bring electricity to these remote regions. His inverter does not consume expensive materials and energy in its manufacture, as is common practice worldwide; it is made up largely of waste materials and is amazingly easy to maintain.